1. Explain your experience working on a team and executing your ideas for the mural.
working on a team was actually a good idea because there was a lot to do and it would have taken too much time for one person to do. i could have never done it by myself. Brainstorming for ideas was fun because we all got to draw our own thing and then we combined our ideas to create one mural.
2. Explain the importance of collaboration when working on a team.
its important to collaborate because its not fair for one person to do all the work. Every member should be assigmned a specific job. If one member is not doing what they're supposed to be doing, then it could impact the final project.
3. How successful was this project? Explain how and why.
The final product didn't turn out like we thought it would. It was a lot harder than we thought it would be. We didnt have a lot of the colors we wanted to use and that threw us off. We could have added more dark values, but overall, it didnt look too bad.
4. Explain how you feel about creating artwork that others can interact with. Ex. Invoving the whole school?
I think the concept of creating art for people to interact with is cool, but not a lot of people at school knew that you were supposed to interact with it. But once they were aware, it's cool watching them interact with your work. I know in the previous years other art classes have done it, I never interacted with the chalk drawings.
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